New Covenant Weddings

Inspiring Moments, Memorable Words, Enduring Promises


Elopement, ladies and gentlemen, is back in vogue. It's all the rage for the most romantic couples. And I think it's a fantastic option to consider. After all, it's your wedding. If you want to keep it short, simple, and within a reasonable budget, then that this is the thing to do! But you may meet up with some resistance.

First of all, friends, eloping is, basically, a four-letter-word in Weddingworld. If you elope, the wedding industry cannot earn your $25,000. Don't get me wrong. I AM a wedding professional, and I am a part of this industry. But I am one of those rare folks who actually believes that the wedding day belongs to the couple, not the wedding industry, not the huge, extended family, and it should not be a tribute to the dollar.

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.

The word "elope" had fallen out of favor with many people for many years. (It has, for many, connotations of young people climbing out of their bedroom windows, sneaking off over the state line, where it's legal for a 15-year-old to marry.) The fashionable term is "destination wedding." But an elopement by any other name... ;)

Your first resource should be the book, "Let's Elope: The Definitive Guide to Eloping, Destination Weddings, and Other Creative Wedding Options," by Scott Shaw and Lynn Beahan. This little guide is filled with great ideas for elopers and alternative wedders. Check out your options before you take the leap. You can still have a wonderful wedding even if you decide to elope. You absolutely do not have to settle for the courthouse! (VEGAS, BABY!)

Don't forget that a lot of the smaller wedding businesses and ministries (like mine!) offer many options for the eloping couple. I've married couples on the beach, at the home of friends, at their hotel, in restaurants, at parks, at inns, in gazebos... all kinds of places. In the past, I did weddings in my own home chapel (unfortunately, I no longer have this option available). I have actually brought everything for the wedding (Ceremony, cake, champagne, food, camera, flowers, even rings!) with me, and the couple only had to show up! (See our Packages page for more info.) There are countless places that you can have your ceremony performed, and then you're free to go off on a romantic honeymoon, even if it's a brief one. BE CREATIVE!

You can always call me for ideas if you get stuck, I love to brainstorm! Good luck, and have fun!

Why elope? Why not elope! Eliminate stress and save a fortune by eloping to Charleston!

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